Individual Donations
Your Donations
Make the Difference
Ticket sales are only a small part of the story. Like non-profit arts organizations across the country, our business model depends on individual donations to supplement the revenue we receive from tickets, grants, and corporations. You are the secret ingredient to our survival.
Please join our loyal family of donors by giving today at one of the levels below! We also encourage recurring monthly donations; for a small amount each month, you can have a predictable, reliable impact on our operations.
NOTE: Givebutter tips are optional. The default setting is 15%, but you can set to 0 manually to avoid extra fees.
Our contribution levels offer a variety of benefits.
Thank you for supporting local theatre!
Pre-Season Show & Seat Selection *
Listing in December Playbill
HOUSELIGHTS ($75 - $149)
AII the perks from Friends, plus:
Free Ticket Exchange
Listing in all Playbills
FOOTLIGHTS ($150 - $249)
AII the perks from Houselights, plus:
One Bring-A-Friend Ticket
1 invitation to Annual Donors' Reception
Access to Preferred Seating Rows
SPOTLIGHTS ($250 - $499)
AlI the perks from Footlights, plus:
Two Bring-A-Friend Tickets
AII the perks from Spotlights, plus :
One Full Season Subscription
One Bring-A-Friend Ticket
MAX POLLEY CIRCLE ($1,000 - $2,499)
AII the perks from Connie Welsh Circle, plus:
One Reserved Parking Spot at the Summer Shows
Two Full Season Subscriptions
Two Bring-A-Friend Tickets
AII the perks from Max Polley Circle, plus:
VIP Backstage Tour of Cain Center far the Arts
One Reserved Parking Spot at the Summer Shows
Four Full Season Subscriptions
Two Bring-A-Friend Tickets